Illusionist/Magician Brian
(press play for feature video)
Magician/Illusionist Brian is a determined man: even as a teenager, he discovered the joy of making people smile – and he turned it into a career. In truth, he also should have been dead eight times over; he’s been delving into adventurous feats for most of his life, onstage and offstage. He obtained books and videos to create stunts and tricks ranging from magic to bullwhips. Of course, teaching himself has also led to the occasional rope burn or singed nose hair.
Currently he performs throughout the United States live and through the media, to such acclaim as the winner of the Extreme Gong Show and New York City’s Prop Comic selection to the Las Vegas Comedy Festival.
Brian’s shows are fast-paced, audience-interactive, and witty.
Drawing from numerous interests he combines escapes, stunts, sideshow, and adventure. His roving performances include balloon artistry, magic, and western influences. He is truly an adventurer in all his endeavors.