String Along Pop Quartet
STRING ALONG POP QUARTETAbout the ArtistGet Pricing and AvailabilityClassical Song ListJazz Standards Song ListRock Song List String Along is an [...]
Downtown Pop Quartet
DOWNTOWN POP QUARTETAbout the ArtistSong ListGet Pricing and Availability Downtown Pop Quartet was founded with the goal of creating a [...]
Pop Culture Strings
POP CULTURE STRINGSAbout the ArtistGet Pricing and AvailabilitySong List Pop Culture Strings is more than a group of uber-talented, young, [...]
Champagne Consort
CHAMPAGNE CONSORTAbout the ArtistClassical Song ListPop Song ListGet Pricing and Availability Are you planning an extra special event? Do you [...]
String Along Pop Duo/Trio
STRING ALONG POP DUO/TRIOAbout the ArtistGet Pricing and AvailabilityClassical Song ListJazz Standards Song ListRock Song List String Along is an [...]
Black, White & Steel Duo
BLACK, WHITE & STEEL DUOAbout the ArtistSong ListGet Pricing and Availability ALLIDA Allida has been playing and performing cello since [...]
Potomac Pop Strings
POTOMAC POP STRINGSAbout the ArtistSong ListGet Pricing and Availability From the elegant sounds of a classical quartet at a wedding [...]
Electric Violinist Alina
ELECTRIC VIOLINIST ALINAAbout the ArtistSong ListGet Pricing and Availability Electric Violinist Alina began her musical endeavor at the very young [...]
Electric Violinist Tiffany
ELECTRIC VIOLINIST TIFFANY (press play for feature video)About the ArtistSong ListGet Pricing and Availability Tiffany Rose Shanta began playing violin [...]
Electric Violinist Zhenya
Electric Violinist Zhenya (press play for feature video)About the ArtistSong ListGet Pricing and Availability Zhenya offers a unique blend of [...]
Violinist Stephanie
Violinist StephanieAbout the ArtistGet Pricing and Availability Stephanie is an award-winning American violinist, singer-songwriter, and pianist. She has been composing, [...]
Electric Violinist Jason
ELECTRIC VOLINIST JASONAbout the ArtistSong ListGet Pricing and Availability Jason is originally from Va. Beach, Virginia. Jason is a [...]
Violinist Jeff
VIOLINIST JEFFAbout the ArtistSong ListGet Pricing and Availability Violinist Jeff has provided a blend of contemporary and classical music for [...]
Violinist Christine
VIOLINIST CHRISTINE (press play for feature video)About the ArtistGet Pricing and AvailabilitySong List Christine is a concert violinist, a graduate [...]
Electric Cellist Carlos
CELLIST CARLOSAbout the ArtistSong ListGet Pricing and Availability Carlos is an emerging cellist from the beautiful country Venezuela. Music has [...]
Electric Cellist Kirill
ELECTRIC CELLIST KIRILL (press play for feature video)About the ArtistSong ListGet Pricing and Availability Kirill is a progressive cellist from [...]
Cellist Fred
CELLIST FREDAbout the ArtistSong ListGet Pricing and Availability Fred is a fixture on the Washington music scene for 25 years, [...]
Shanta Family Duo (Harp/Violin)
SHANTA FAMILY DUO (press play for feature video)About the ArtistSong ListGet Pricing and Availability Violinist Tiffany is blessed to come [...]
Violinist Tyler
VIOLINIST TYLERAbout the ArtistGet Pricing and Availability Tyler has always been musically gifted. Since he was young, he has loved [...]