
So you’ve been asked, or have been “volunteered”, to give a speech!

Now what?

To most people, public speaking is about as enjoyable as a root canal, but actually, it can be enjoyable; the trick is –“preparation”.

You may have been asked to do a speech on a particular subject because you are knowledgeable about that subject. If so, then half the challenge is solved:

“Talk About What You Know”!

OR, if you’ve been asked to give a speech but the subject is up to you, then:

“Talk About What You Know”!

Either way, talking about something you’re familiar, which makes it easier. Speech topics don’t always be about serious issues. They can just be entertaining and “interesting”. In fact, that’s the real goal, regardless of whether you are stating a position or just entertaining. If YOU’RE interested in the topic, it’s easier to make your audience interested as well.

The key is:  “Practice, Practice, Practice!”. Don’t “WRITE” your speech and try to memorize it word for word.   Writing a “script” tends to make one “read”, instead of” talk” to the audience;  use notes on the major points you want to make, with some phrases or quotations you want to use.

Remember!  Serious topics can still be entertaining, and entertaining speeches can have a serious message. The point is:  to make your point.

Once you have your main points, then “Practice, Practice, Practice”!  If you are confident and familiar with your material, you will succeed.  Actors go on stage prepared, with the mindset that the audience WANTS you to succeed, not fail.  All you have to do is get that same mind set for yourself.

Your audience expects you to be prepared and confident; so the only one you have to convince is: YOURSELF!


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